
Our successful project implementation is based on agile software development and agile project management. In addition, we rely on proven process techniques to achieve the best possible results.

Test-Driven Development

One method of agile software development is Test-Driven-Development, which requires tests to be written for the methods to be developed before and during development. These tests (unit and function tests) are used to automatically test the functionality of the software components. Regressions on existing parts of the software are recognized by these tests.

Project Management

Our software projects are set up with uniform project management software. We use this to manage project tasks and assign them to the appropriate developers or contact persons at the customer's site. Our customers have the possibility to deposit errors and feature requests in the project management software via an issue tracker.  This ensures direct communication between the customer and our responsible project manager.

Version control

In order to guarantee revision-proof software development, we use version control systems. The connection of the project management software to the version control system ensures a complete documentation of the development steps.

Continuous Integration

Part of our quality assurance measures is the continuous integration (CI) of the software during the development phase. All changes made to the source code are automatically checked by our CI servers for defined quality standards (coding guidelines, executability); in the event of errors, the developers are notified.

Continuous Delivery

Part of our software distribution is the continuous delivery (CD) of the software during or after development phases. This automated process carries out defined acceptance tests and performance tests. Error-free software distribution can be automatically deployed on productive servers.

Coding Guidelines

Our coding guidelines ensure that the source code developed is documented and easy to maintain. The internal review process ensures compliance with the coding guidelines.

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